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Breast Removal Surgery Recovery or Mastectomy Recovery, for most patients recover well with no complications. It may take three to six weeks to fully recover. Recovering from a mastectomy can be emotionally difficult. Some people find it helpful to talk to others who have been through the operation, both before and after the mastectomy.

After the Procedure:
When you wake up after the operation, you are likely to feel sore, but this pain can be controlled with painkillers. It is very important to tell your doctor or nurse when you are in pain, because they can adapt your medication accordingly. This is essential to your recovery after the surgery.
You may stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days. If you have a simple mastectomy, you may go home on the same day. But, most women will go home after 1 to 2 days. Many women go home with drains still in their chest. The doctor then removes them later during an office visit.
Drains may be left in at the time of discharge from the hospital, and you will be instructed to measure the fluid that drains from them. Stitches are often placed under the skin and dissolve on their own. If non-dissolving stitches or clips are used, they are typically removed 7 to 10 days after surgery. Full recovery may take as long as 3-6 weeks.
It takes time for a woman to adjust to the loss of a breast. Talking to other women who have had mastectomies, to their partners, and family can help deal with these feelings. A health care provider can help locate support groups for the woman and her family. A mental health professional can help a woman and her family learn to adjust.
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